.. _dci:title: .. _dci:title_title: Title (M, 1-n) ============== ``datacite:title`` A name or title by which a resource is known. Property title (M, 1-n) ---------------- Use the title name as value. Repeat this property for titles of different types or in different languages. Attribute xml:lang (R, 0-1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The language of the title. *Controlled value lists:* * IETF BCP 47, the `IANA Language Subtag Registry `_. Attribute titleType (O, 0-1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The title's type. *Controlled list values:* .. include:: vocabularies/titletype.rst Examples ------- .. code-block:: xml :linenos: National Institute for Environmental Studies and Center for Climate System Research Japan A survey .. _DataCite MetadataKernel: http://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-4.3/ Context ------- **Do Not Confuse With** **DataCite v4.3 Differentiation** * OpenAIRE recommends indicating the title's language. * OpenAIRE provides more tite types than DataCite. Also OpenAIRE does not encourage the title type ``Other``, as in that case the title type may just be omitted. **OpenAIRE Data Guidelines v2 Differentiation**