.. include:: vocabularies/replacements.rst .. _dci:identifier: Identifier (M, 1) ============== ``datacite:identifier`` The identifier is a unique string that identifies a resource. Property identifier (M, 1) ---------------- *Allowed values, other constraints:* * Format should be “10.1234/foo” (in the case of DOIs). .. _d:identifiertype: Attribute identifierType (M, 1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The type of the identifier. *Controlled list values (DataCite):* * ``DOI`` - |DOI| *Controlled list values (OpenAIRE):* * ``ARK`` - |ARK| * ``DOI`` - |DOI| * ``Handle`` - |Handle| * ``PURL`` - |PURL| * ``URN`` - |URN| * ``URL`` - |URL| Examples ------- .. code-block:: xml :linenos: 10.5281/zenodo.44383 Context ------- **Do Not Confuse With** * :ref:`dci:relatedIdentifier` (Use ``relatedIdentifier`` for to indicate related resources, as e.g. cited or citing resources.) * :ref:`dci:alternativeIdentifier` (Use ``alternateIdentifier`` for secondary or local identifiers of the same resource, and also for landing pages and download pages.) **DataCite v4.3 Differentiation** * Unlike DataCite, OpenAIRE allows for DOIs and other types of identifiers also. **OpenAIRE Data Guidelines v2 Differentiation**