.. _description: .. _dci:description: Description (MA, 0-n) =========== ``datacite:creator`` Property description (MA, 0-n) -------------------- It is a best practice to supply a description. Also all additional information that does not fit in any of the other categories. May be used for technical information. .. _@descriptionType: .. _d:descriptiontype: Attribute descriptionType (M, 1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The type of the description. *Controlled list values:* * ``Abstract`` * ``Methods`` * ``SeriesInformation`` * ``TableOfContents`` * ``TechnicalInfo`` * ``Other`` .. _xml:lang: .. _d:descriptionlang: Attribute xml:lang (R, 0-1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The language of the description. *Recommended value lists*: * IETF BCP 47 - |IETF BCP 47| * ISO 639-x - |ISO 639-x| Examples -------- .. code-block:: xml :linenos: This is an abstract This is e.g. a note. Context ------- **Do Not Confuse With** * :ref:`d:title` (Use ``title`` for the name of the resource) * :ref:`d:subject` (Use ``subject`` for topics) * :ref:`d:resourceType` (Use ``resourceType`` for the type) **DataCite v4.3 Differentiation** * description_ with `@descriptionType`_\ ="Abstract" is *mandatory when applicable* in OpenAIRE instead of *recommended* in DataCite. * `xml:lang`_ is *recommenced* in OpenAIRE instead of *optional* in DataCite. **OpenAIRE Data Guidelines v Differentiation** * `xml:lang`_ is newly added.