.. include:: vocabularies/replacements.rst .. _dci:alternativeIdentifier: Alternative Identifier (R, 0-n) ========================== ``datacite:alternateIdentifier`` The alternateIdentifier serves two purposes: * Collecting all or many identifiers other than the primary identifier applied to the resource being registered (same instance - same location, same file). * Registering two especially relevant kinds of web pages dedicated to the resource, namely landing pages and download pages. Property alternateIdentifier (R, 0-n) ---------------- *Allowed values, other constraints:* * Secondary identifiers preferably should be durable, and also comprise local identifiers. All existing identifiers for the resource are appreciated. * The format is free text - any alphanumeric string which is unique within its domain of issue and follows the respective specifications. * Web pages dedicated to the resource, i.e. landing pages or download pages, are given as URLs. PIDs are fine, but should be prefixed with their respective resolver URL. .. _d:alternateidentifiertype: Attribute alternateIdentifierType (M, 1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The type of the alternateIdentifier. *Exemplary values for secondary identifiers (established and non-standard identifier types):* * ``ARK`` - |ARK| * ``DOI`` - |DOI| * ``EAN13`` - |EAN13| * ``Handle`` - |Handle| * ``IGSN`` - |IGSN| * ``LSID`` - |LSID| * ``PMCID`` - |PMCID| * ``PMID`` - |PMID| * ``PURL`` - |PURL| * ``UPC`` - |UPC| * ``URN`` - |URN| * ``local`` - a local accession number * ``URL`` - |URL| *Controlled values for specific, important web pages dedicated to the resource:* * ``LandingPage`` - landing pages * ``DistributionLocation`` - distribution locations Examples -------- Secondary identifiers: .. code-block:: xml :linenos: 10.5447/IPK/2015/9 .. code-block:: xml :linenos: oai:hup.sub.uni-hamburg.de.giga:article/491 Landing pages and download pages: .. code-block:: xml :linenos: http://some-distribution-location.org .. code-block:: xml :linenos: http://hdl.handle.net/10316/33181 Context ------- **Do Not Confuse With** * :ref:`dci:identifier` (Use ``identifier`` for the primary identifier of the same resource instance.) * :ref:`dci:relatedIdentifier` (Use ``relatedIdentifier`` for identifiers of related resources.) **DataCite v4.3 Differentiation** * alternateIdentifier_ is *recommended* in OpenAIRE instead of *optional* in DataCite. * OpenAIRE uses alternateIdentifier_ also for the specific web targets *landing page* and *distribution location*. * OpenAIRE allows for more identifier types than DataCite. **OpenAIRE Data Guidelines v Differentiation** * Registering landing pages and download pages is newly introduced in the current guideline version. * alternateIdentifier_ is *recommended* in this version instead of *optional*.